Knees to the earth

Beautiful Jesus, how may I bless Your heart? Knees to the earth I bow down to everything You are.

Knees to the earth
Beautiful Jesus How may I bless Your heart? Knees to the earth I bow down to everything You are. Beautiful Jesus You are my only worth. So let me embrace You always as I walk this earth. - Watermark
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    Wednesday, September 12, 2007
    Monday, Sept. 10, 2007, Amy Wilhoite went home to her Savior. Throughout her blogging her ordeal I learned so much and was convicted on so many levels in how I should view my circumstances.

    I remember a post she wrote a few months ago in March. In this post she told how she was studying up on heaven on John Piper's website (

    She posted it this way:
    "as though studying up on some country I'm visiting on vacation soon"
    she added: "Sad that only the prospect of death has me at this place, because I believe as Christians we should be focusing on the fact that our stay on earth is quite brief and very temporal. Very little matters when you view it in light of eternity. ......................Please always remember that even if I do not continue here on this earth, I will achieve ultimate healing in heaven. One way or the other, your prayers will all be answered. It is a miracle that we are not consumed day by day. (2 Cor. 4:16)"

    (Quote from a post in July)
    "I am tired, weary, broken, and so weary of this long, slow death. I know God has a purpose in all of this -- I know He is still sovereign -- I know He still holds my days, but the fight is leaving me, and I find myself longing for relief from this daily assault on my body."

    While my heart aches for her family and her little boy she has left behind, at the same time there is a peace knowing she can see Jesus and has received her ultimate healing .

    Please pray for her husband, infant son, and her friends and family that are grieving. Memorial details are on her blog.


    posted by Crystal @ 11:31 AM   Read 2 comments / Post comments

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