Knees to the earth

Beautiful Jesus, how may I bless Your heart? Knees to the earth I bow down to everything You are.

Knees to the earth
Beautiful Jesus How may I bless Your heart? Knees to the earth I bow down to everything You are. Beautiful Jesus You are my only worth. So let me embrace You always as I walk this earth. - Watermark
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Today is Tuesday November 22. I am back dating this entry to line up with the timeline of the events. Since I went several days (almost a week) without updating the blog, here is a brief recap of the missing week in what I picked as "Noteworthy" moments.


We made a rare family trip to Walmart. As we were getting out of the car - J asked Randy - "Are you and mom splitting up?" Randy looked at me to see if there was something he didn't know about - he told J "not that I know of" - J thought for a minute and realized he'd left out the critical part of his question "Uh...I mean when we get in the store - not in life."


Hmmm - lets see - Wednesday Nov. 16 - K finally rolled from her back to her tummy! She's been rolling from her tummy to her back for awhile (Made getting "tummy time" photos difficult as you can see) - Still no teeth, lots of sucking fingers and gnawing hands.

She moved this week from her "shrinking bassinet" to her crib. It is taking a little more work to get her to sleep, but I think we are going to make it after all.

A very cold morning - became even more evident due to a power outage in our area from around 7:20 am till 8:30. As the temperature in the house started to drop we began layering up under and on top of our "jammies" to stay warm.

A "well-fed" Carmel stayed warm

A will have to knit a little bit faster if she wants to keep warm with this scarf today.

(There are no pictures of Justin during this cold episode - he choose to stay in bed for this one.)


Now you are somewhat caught up on the days I missed posting. I will try to do better in the future with regular updates.
posted by Crystal @ 2:44 PM  
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